Artistic Adventures in Pijnacker-Nootdorp: Joining KiP and What’s Next

I’m thrilled to share some big news with you today—I have joined Kunstenaars in Pijnacker-Nootdorp, known affectionately as KiP. This group of talented artists is dedicated to enriching the local cultural landscape through art in Pijnacker and Nootdorp, Netherlands. As an Abstract Artist who loves to blend the ethereal with a touch of realism, this new chapter feels like a perfect fit.

Joining KiP is more than just an opportunity for collaboration; it's a chance to weave my own threads of dreamy, luxurious landscapes into the vibrant ta

pestry of this artistic community. Here, my canvases, alive with mixed media and oil paint, find new homes and new hearts to inspire. This partnership represents a convergence of imagination and reality—a place where art isn't just seen but experienced.

As we go on this journey together, I invite you to dive deeper into what this means for my art and for all of us who cherish those moments of escape into a world crafted not just to see, but to feel. Let's explore the new horizons and dreamscapes that await.

About Kunstenaars in Pijnacker-Nootdorp (KiP)

Right in the Netherlands, in the lovely areas of Pijnacker and Nootdorp, there's a group called Kunstenaars in Pijnacker-Nootdorp, or KiP for short. It's a lively bunch of artists who all share one goal: to bring more art into our local area.

KiP is all about making art a big part of our community. KiP sets up art shows that really show off what the artists can do, and organize talks and even trips all about art. There’s always something happening!

One of the big projects is thinking up plans for a new cultural center in Pijnacker. We imagine this place as a new heart for creativity, where everyone can come together and enjoy art. KiP is also taking care of art displays in a cool old building that used to be a bank. Now, it’s a place where history and art mix.

By doing all this, KiP doesn’t just add to the local art scene; it brings people together. KiP is more than a group of artists—it's like a family that uses art to touch the lives of those around us.

Upcoming Projects and Events

I’m excited to tell you about a fantastic art exhibition at the old Rabobank building on Raadhuisplein in Pijnacker, which will run until May 16th, 2024. This time, the theme is "Landscapes in All Their Forms," and it includes everything from realistic landscapes to modern architecture.

As you walk through the exhibition, it feels like you're exploring the countryside, peering at the trees, and examining modern buildings before setting sail on a boat through the artworks. This exhibit features a piece by a new artist in the community, Bas Kalle, and includes works from Angeles Rodriguez, Ben Jansen, Bep van Dongen, Cobi de Jong, Ingrid Dingjan, Natalie Boudestein, Peter Wensveen, Rein Meijer, and Willem Teerlink.

Each artist has their own way of showing what landscapes can be. You’ll see everything from detailed, true-to-life views to bold, abstract ideas. I hope to join these fantastic artists somewhere this year again and share my own pieces that blend dreams with reality. If you're in the area, do come and see these amazing artworks. It’s a great way to see how artists capture and transform our world into something special.

What Joining KiP Means for My Art

Joining Kunstenaars in Pijnacker-Nootdorp (KiP) is a significant step in my artistic journey. Being part of this group opens up wonderful opportunities for collaboration and inspiration. It allows me to connect with other artists who are just as passionate about bringing beauty and thought-provoking ideas into the world.

This partnership means I’ll have more chances to experiment with new ideas and media, influenced by the creativity around me. It also means more exposure for my art. KiP is well-regarded for its commitment to promoting local artists and engaging the community with our work. By participating in group shows and events, my art can reach new audiences who appreciate the serene and luxurious escape my paintings offer.

Most importantly, being with KiP encourages me to grow as an artist. The environment here challenges me to push the boundaries of my craft, exploring new themes and techniques. It’s exciting to think about how my style—known for its dreamy realism and tranquil landscapes—will evolve with these new experiences and influences.

Where to find KiP?

If you’re as excited about art as I am, or if you're looking for a beautiful distraction from the rush of everyday life, I invite you to get involved. Visit the KiP website ( to learn more about our upcoming events and exhibitions. And if you’re in the area, why not come by and see our work in person? There’s always something new to discover at our shows, and we love to see how our art resonates with you.

Also, follow KiP on InstaGram @kunstinpijnacker to stay updated on what we’re up to and get sneak peeks of new art. It’s a great way to stay connected and be part of our community from wherever you are.

Let’s enjoy and support art together—come see how we’re trying to make the world a little more beautiful, one piece at a time.

Thank You!

As I step into this new chapter with Kunstenaars in Pijnacker-Nootdorp (KiP), I am filled with hope and excitement for what lies ahead. Art, in its most profound sense, is about connection—connecting ideas, emotions, and people. By joining KiP, I’m not just joining a group of artists; I’m becoming part of a larger dialogue that celebrates creativity and community.

Together, we can create something truly special. We can make art that doesn't just decorate spaces but also enriches lives and offers a momentary escape into dreamlike worlds crafted from imagination and color. It’s about creating experiences that linger, inspire, and transform.

Thank you for following along on this journey. Here's to new beginnings and the beautiful things we’ll create together. Let's continue to explore and embrace the power of art, making each moment an opportunity to travel to new worlds, even if just for a moment.  

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